I've never understood what goes on in the mind of a troll. Wha, you have nothing better to do with your time than post nonsense to get people riled up? Are you really that hard up for attention?
My first bass was a symmetrically flipped Westbury Track II. Body-wise, similar to a smaller Ripper in shape (though the horns on a Ripper are slightly different in size). I was always bumping into the knobs with my forearm when I played and accidentally turning the volume down. I'm a much better player now and am more cognizant of my arm/hand positioning such that the knobs don't get in the way anymore when I flip a righty, but generally I don't like it unless the bass at least visually looks symmetrical and/or there's no chance I can find a true lefty. (i.e. my Ashbory).
It really pisses me off, though, when a company will make a flipped instrument for a righty so they can think they look cool emulating the Hendrix look, (so technically it's a lefty instrument) but they won't make a true lefty!