The first step is to install the two eyelets into the bottom flatwork piece, and then use a specialized tool to swedge the opening to it has a tight fit and doesn't fly out when the coil wire is being wrapped onto the assembled coil bobbin.
MakePickups_Step02_EyeletInstalled.jpg [ 88.62 KiB | Viewed 99117 times ]
Once this is done, it time to move the work over to an arbor press ...
The second step is to press the AlNiCo rods into the top flatwork piece so that the rods protrude from the top at a specific distance. For this example, all of the rods will be set to protrude above the plastic pickup cover just under .015". To accomplish this I use a pair of flat bar pieces that have the same thickness as the rods will extend. I set these apart wider than the diameter of the rod, set a rod onto one of the holes in the flatwork, and then press it thru the flatwork until it bottoms out against the arbor bed. This is repeated for all eight rods in this 4-string pickup.
MakePickups_Step03_PressRodsIntoTop.jpg [ 117.62 KiB | Viewed 99117 times ]
You can see the results here, with the rods sticking their necks thru the top flatwork piece
MakePickups_Step03a_PressRodsIntoTop.jpg [ 130.29 KiB | Viewed 99117 times ]
Next, I utilize a pair of wooden spacers that have been carefully detailed to the exact thickness that the coil wire will be wound into. One piece is placed on each side of the rods and held in place with a rubber band
MakePickups_Step04_Spacers.jpg [ 111.7 KiB | Viewed 99117 times ]
Finally, the bottom flatwork piece is set onto the rods and lightly pressed into place. If any of the rods are out of alignment, I use an ice pick type tool to massage them into place and then give them a bump with the press. Once all of the rods are fit into the flatwork piece, the flatwork is then pressed tight against the spacers (which are tight against the top flatwork piece, which is tight against the flatbar that allows the pole pieces to extend a set distance)
MakePickups_Step05_PressBottonOntoRodsAgainstSpacers.jpg [ 132.75 KiB | Viewed 99117 times ]
This is pretty simple to do once you've done it a few times, and a coil bobbin assembly can easily be brought to this point in the workflow in under five minutes.