To Me! Swore I'd never buy another bass, as I thought 47 was enough! But, Have always wanted a 5-string P-bass, and this was the most affordable way to have one, and it sounds great! My only problem with this purchase ( and it has Nothing to do with DarKent) is - selling price, plus California state tax came to $546. Darkkent shipped it (free of charge - thanks!) to my sister, from San Francisco, to Santa Rosa, Ca. By the time my sister paid for USPS Priority Mail, the total, to Hawaii was $215.00!
Just the shipping charge alone was $165.00, and I paid $9.00 for insurance. After that, I was charged $25.00 for two cubic feet, and $15.00 for being over 30 inches... from what, I still don't know, as total length of the package was 79 inches, 29 inches under the total length of 108 inches. I went to the Post Office with a copy of the receipt my sister sent me, to argue about these two additional charges, and they could give me no good reason for them... This is the first time, in All the basses I've bought and sold, that I've been charged for Cubic feet, and 30 inches over I don't know what! And, that $165.00 charge is going to show up on the ConUS, know matter where you want to ship a bass. My sister originally took the package to UPS, and they wanted anywhere from $300-to-$800 to ship!
So, final tally for this bass purchase is $761... which is close to the original list price I think. What I've learned from all of this is; when I go to sell most of my bass collection off, I'm going to have to heavily discount my asking prices to accommodate the shipping fees that the new buyer will incur... one of the Big problems living on an Island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean...
Again, a great price on the purchase of this bass... but an Abysmal postage fee... thanks DeJoy - for Nothing!
_________________ R&B Stretch Bass, Walter Woods 1000w Green-Light Stereo Amp, AccuGroove El Whappo and TR112, assorted axes, amps, cabs...