'Tis mine.
I'm sure I'll regret selling it, but I play acoustic guitars now (talk about pricey!)
The best sounding P I've owned by far. A warm, mellow, old-school vibe with a hot midrange. So light. And this "A" neck.
I know it's a lotta coin, but I'm not eager to sell this baby. It's tricky trying to keep up with the craziness of vintage Fender prices. I priced it based on a recent Ebay sale of another '73 P, a sunburst that sold for $3950 shipped:
https://www.ebay.com/itm/134125841038?hash=item1f3a85ea8e%3Ag%3AxUYAAOSwIh9if7xm&nma=true&si=lwJnGWfAVgx0ZrAKgJE5WPBro%252Bo%253D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557Happy to sell it to another member here and net $3500 after fees and shipping. Strongly prefer shipping to CONUS.
NoXX spotted it - he gets right of first refusal. Then after him, anyone who's been a leftybassist member since 11/5/2015, the day he spotted it.
Let me know if you have any questions.
San Jose, CA