Agent00Soul wrote:
Reverb did their "Best Selling Gear of February 2022" and I was pretty staggered to read the snippet below. Half a century later, the Beatles are still able to move gear like no one else. Even obscure, not particularly practical instruments like the Bass VI, which actually topped the chart, or the heavy Rosewood Tele seem to benefit by being touched by one of them. I was genuinely surprised to read this.
Not sure how old you guys are. I was born in 62 and grew up seeing guitars for sale in every department store and even in hardware stores. The Beatles on Ed Sullivan is the group that launnched a million guitars. If you read interviews with 70's acts, you notice time and again the importance of The Beatles on their choice to become musicians.
Only 5 of my 18 guitars and instruments have never been associated with them. I might have gotten my Jazz Bass, jazz box, or Strats for different reasons. but the Strat is all over their records from the middle years, and the JB is a mainstay of the White album. They are significant in their music, just not popularly known to be.