markcv wrote:
Anybody else think that the bridge is off center? Firstly, the strings aren’t centered on the pole pieces, and it looks like the strings are going at a left/right angle to go over the saddles. ...or is it just the angle of the pic?
The problem is inherent and consistent with all early MM pre-EB basses, lefty or righty. Here's a site with many pre-EB MM basses. Every one of them exhibits the issue - strings breaking to the right of the saddle: ... man-bassesNote that all bridge saddles are aligned in the same direction (saddles to the left of intonation screws), regardless of whether you're a righty or lefty, unlike a Precision/Jazz bridge, where the G and D saddles are set up in the opposite direction of the A and E:
Unknown.jpeg [ 8 KiB | Viewed 10313 times ]
Then the problem is further compounded by the fact that the bridge is enclosed in a surrounding frame vs. an open bridge like a Fender. So you can't simply flip the saddles over and have them run to the right, 'cause they will no longer fit within the bridge frame. The problem could have been addressed with a relocation of the string routes and intonation screw routes in the back of the bridge, IMO.