Carmine wrote:
The most sought after/ collectable Japanese Fenders are the JV series (1982 -1984)... I don't have a JV, but I know at least one guy here does.
I'm pretty sure Carmine is referring to me
I picked up a near mint condition 1983 Vintage White JV P bass when I was in Tokyo in February. It's amazing. Light, playable, great tone, etc. It was relatively expensive but worth it... and cheaper than a 'comparable' true 50s/60s vintage or custom shop alternative. I even called Carmine to ask him about it when I was considering the purchase. Carmine truly is such a great resource for us. The man is a walking encyclopedia AND museum curator for lefty (and, shhhhh, righty!) stuff. Amazing dude. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with this community! (Sorry for the post topic derailment...)