You are correct, Mister. Jazz-width neck. The ones I've had had a rounded neck profile, meaty but still very comfortable -- like a thinner baseball bat. I had three of these back in the day, and remember them fondly.
The playing position is just a bit different than a Fender because the upper neck is a bit shorter, but still within comfortable specs. The bodies feel small. But still, don't get me wrong, they are joy to play. The electronics are indeed similar to an SR5: parallel, series, and single coil (outer coil) with dummy load to prevent humming.
I love these things and I'm incredibly tempted, but sadly I'm on a minimalist stage (as in frugal) and don't want to spend any money . . .
Matt R. wrote:
Always been curious about these. Isn't the neck with supposed to be narrower than a Stingray? And the electronics seem to be a 4 string version of the SR5.