Nothing irks me more than seeing a rare lefty butchered by some right handed idiot. News bulletin: The only guy who could get away with looking cool playing an upside down instrument was Hendrix - a LEFTY, BTW. You, on the other hand, look like a complete tool. (And when it is done by a lefty it's usually 'cause they can't find a left handed instrument, on account righty idiots like you have snatched them up for said butchering). You have your pick of ANY bass on the market, yet you insist on buying a lefty so you can destroy it? There should be a law in place outlawing any righty from purchasing a left handed instrument unless they intend to buy it for a lefty.
Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now and get back on my meds.
Talking about lefty butchered basses...