This is not a C64S, and as far as I can tell, it isn't even a C64. It looks like a re-branded 4001S.
A C64 should have vintage-style tone-knobs:
And a C64 should have a pickguard that goes all the way to the bridge surround, and the bridge surround should be trapezoidal, not square:
pjmuck wrote:
Didn't those basses originally come with the horseshoe bridge PUP?
Yes, and this is not a reissue horseshoe pickup. The reissue horseshoe has very large silver pole pieces.
Just to be clear, the reissue horseshoe pickup works like a normal pickup (meaning the horseshoe isn't part of the pickup), but voiced to sound like the original horseshoe pickup as much as possible. It also has a gap in the pickup cover to look more like the original:
RIC did away with the "real" horseshoe pickup because they are notorious for losing their magnetism, which requires them to be re-gaussed.
Gilmourisgod wrote:
I never really "got" what a Rick is capable of until I ran it stereo a few times in my college band. We used to call it the "Piano of Doom". You get all the bottom and all the top in total a**kicking mode.