bobjones2260 wrote:
Hmmm not sure I can prove you wrong but I seen a story where they were trying to prove someone had the same Strat that Bob Dylan used when he played electric, alot of the details were the same but the one that sealed the deal was some great clarity photos that showed when you zoom in the same wood grain in both guitars. The used the fact that the detail of the wood grain is much like a finger print and coupled with all the other info proved it was the same guitar.
Here we cannot do that, I did the same I downloaded pictures from both guitars then zoomed in on the pick guard. I have an attachment that shows the same zoomed in area around one screw but due to poor pic quality hard to say its the same but the footprint looks similar. Again way too much work to really prove but it is a cool bass and G&L play great.
I did the same thing, where I zoomed in on various regions of the pick guards, including the area you have circled. Although the area you circled looks similar, just to the right of your circle, to me, that area looks dissimilar, and is one of the areas that led me to believe they aren't the same bass. It is indeed hard to verify when one photo is of good quality, and the GC photo is a bit too grainy to blow-up for a good comparison. I still feel they are two separate basses....