Traded my Warwick Thumb BO straight up for this beauty.
It's a
lefty Warr Artist 10 string tapping bass/guitar. If you're not familiar with them, they are along the lines of a Chapman Stick. Trey Gunn formerly of King Crimson plays one. I have no clue how to play it yet, LOL, but I've always wanted to learn to play a Stick, so I am determined. Truth be told, I think Chapman Sticks look cooler, but Warr is supposedly much better quality. They're typically set up with the bass side comprising 5 strings tuned in inverted 5ths and 5 strings of the guitar side in standard 4ths, though you can more or less set them up any way you want. Just playing around with it for a few hours today, I'm thinking about reversing the string arrangement to be straight 4ths bass side and inverted 4ths guitar side, with the guitar side closest to me (which is actually close to how the standard righty Warr is set up). So maybe I should have just got a righty and flipped it over.
The righties actually look "more lefty", IMO, because all your knobs and switches are on the lower body side furthest away from your body like a standard lefty bass.