Lefty007 wrote:
But at that price, why would you buy an MIJ instead of a current MIA?
For just a little more money, MIAs have better woods, easy-to-adjust truss rods, graphite reinforcement, better hardware and electronics, a nice hard case . . . Unless having a maple fretboard is more important than all the other advantages. . .
Isn't the bare bones starting price for a MIA P bass around $1500? That's $400 more, which might make/break someone's interest. Of course, you could try to find a used MIA cheaper, but then again you can most certainly find a MIJ cheaper too, and they're more prevalent on the used market with regard to finish options. As for the basswood body well I'm in agreement it's not my favorite, primarily due to it's softness, but it really depends on the bass in question, PUPs, etc. before I'm willing to draw any blanketed conclusion about basswood's sonic short comings, if any. Both my MIJ Fender Jaguar and my EB Bongo are basswood, and both sound great to my ears.