With the exception of the Ampeg combo I bought almost 14 years ago (and has been a total workhorse for all that time) I have been playing the same Peavey MkIV since 1982.
So awhile back I started to feel the itch for a new amp and began to look around and really focus on what I would like play through for the next 30 years.
Of course there have been some amazing advances in bass amp and speaker tech in the last few decades. The Class D, light-weight amps are really impressive. Huge power, small size, load in and load out would be a breeze. Seems like every amp company makes one so there are plenty of options to chose from. Anyone could find a flavor they could love right?
So here's what I ended up with.....
That's right, 58lbs of all tube glory!
What can I say, I'm old school, no sense trying to fight it.
It sounds fantastic through my 2x15 cab (bet it will sound even better through 2!)
I have a few gigs coming up next month and a couple of them are outdoors so I'll try to get a few action shots to post.