Nice! Though at risk of stating the obvious, where are the instruments?
I've been reading great things about Warm Audio stuff, particularly their half rack mic preamp.
Maybe it's just me, but based on the new product press releases and photos I've seen from NAMM this year, there didn't seem to be much to get too excited about. (How many different ways can Fender reinvent the Strat now?). I tend to gravitate towards innovative stuff and/or Hall E. I guess it's cool that Gibson's got a ton of new lefty stuff in 2014 (though that $500 mark up on the T-Bird still urks me.
). I see Roland's got a new A/V mixing console for producing better live music videos, which I could use, but at over $2000 I'll stick with my laptop.
Now THIS is right up my alley. But of course, there are no lefty-specific versions. (They do say you can clamp it anywhere on your guitar, but it seems to me the best position is on the lower horn of a righty): ... -guitar-anI'll take one of these too.