.... I'm fortunate to be able to compare this one to both the previous one I received, as well as do an in-hand comparison to an actual original vintage Gibson NR T-bird bass (right handed) that I have here at the house. My quick observations of the bass itself a few days in:
At 9.8 lbs, this new one is heavy- the first one I received weighed about 9.2 lbs, and the Gibson about 8.8 lbs. You can definitely feel that extra pound. Balance issues aside, the body is thicker than a Gibson and along with not having the tummy cut that the original Gibson has, that thick slab makes for pretty uncomfortable ergonomics. I don't know why they omitted the tummy cut, as that would have improved the comfort level significantly.
Overall fit and finish I would rate as comparable with some Eastwood stuff that I 've gotten- not bad, but somewhat inconsistent from instrument to instrument. For example, the first body in the 2 body shots at the bottom below is the first bass I received; you can see all the seams in the wood pieces, and a few knots as well (I've increased the contrast in these two pics to accentuate the grain). The second body is much better in terms of matching the wood grain. So this time around I got better grain pattern, but heavier weight.
On the first one there was enough travel to be able to lower the bridge to get the action as low as I like it. Not on this second one. I know some folks like high action, but this was too much. I had to remove the bridge post anchors and deepen the holes in the body to allow the anchors to be sunk flush with the body surface, deep enough to allow the bridge to be lowered to an acceptable (for me) playing height. The good news is that the neck is true enough to handle the low action once the string height was brought down, so although I did have to spend some time tapping down a few high frets, I was able to get the playability dialed in where I like it. But if I wasn't comfortable doing this kind of thing myself I would have had to take it to somebody, I wouldn't have been happy at all trying to play it as it was out of the box. Based on my experience with these two, I'd say it's down to the luck of the draw; if I had gotten everything that was right on both basses in one bass, it would have been very nice. Otherwise be prepared to do some tweaking.
The electronics are just cheap stuff, but the bass actually sounds pretty good to me. Lacks the personality, sweetness or growly qualities of a real Tbird, and no brightness to speak of, but nice solid bass thump. I'm sure I will probably swap out the electronics soon to get closer to the real deal, but it's not an emergency.
So overall, although it has been more of an adventure than I would have liked, I'm finally very glad to have bought one of these, especially at the closeout price! As many have already stated, it is a very good platform to start from (sounds good, plays good), and depending on how much time, $ interest and energy you want to commit, you can probably get this to within a hair of the real thing, which for lefties is currently the closest option available. I'm looking forward to further experimentation with it.
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