Hi All,
Yesterday was a very cool day. I am now the proud owner of a very used 2001 MIM Fender Jazz (in black -surprise surprise
). It has seen a lot of action...been played, whacked, dropped, and played again. I have 12 years of relic action for a bargain price. Everything seems to function properly. It did take me a few hours to pull everything apart and remove the grime and stickers, but now it's looking better.
The pick guard, however, is maimed from use and sticker glue attack. I would just go and buy another MIM Jazz guard, but it looks like over the years, one owner (I suspect it had several) has replaced the pots with CTS's, and likley the control plate for a US version (as I do not see any signs of reaming on the holes). The current guard and control plate do not fit well - there's a gap at the point of the plate (as was the case for my Squier ironically when I tried to mod it), so do I need to get a US Jazz guard instead (with the belief that it will better fit the control plate) or instead get a MIM guard and live with it. Sites like WD music specify different guards for MIM and US, so does that mean the holes are not interchangeable?
As always, thanks for the insight folks.