doubt there are many here who are qualified to say that lefty guitars sell "just as fast" as righties. Maybe some do and some don't. The longer a guitar stays on the wall, the greater the overall cost for the manufacturer.
The makers above claim that demand for lefties isn't as great, and I trust that cost vs. demand is something know more than I do. I trust that they know risk; every business decision carries some risk and some makers choose not to bear the risk of making lefties in certain colors and configurations. I trust that they're being sincere because they need to know this to survive. If they're being "lazy" when it comes to realizing potential profits they won't survive. And I don't believe they're out to maliciously screw a segment of potential buyers.
At the same time, I like Larivee even more now. They say it's discrimination, and it is. But I just can't buy in to this level of righteous indignation over not being able to buy a Fender Jazz with a maple board.
Perhaps I like taking it up the jacksie.
Perhaps it's because I've owned so many fantastic basses over the years. Perhaps it's because there's real social injustice in the world that deserves my time and energy so much more than something so seemingly trivial.