Okay, I know I might have been guilty a few times or listing a bass for slightly more than it should really go for, but I find very entertaining all these grossly inflated prices on eBay, or just plain bad bass ideas. So, just for fun, I collected a few current offering that make me go, "What the heck are they thinking?" Or maybe these guys know something we don't? Maybe listing an overpriced bass on Ebay over and over and over has a purpose. . .
1. MIM bass: "customized" with SD pickups, pickguard, neck plate, "black screws" (oh la la) - asking price $750. Seriously? Who doesn't understand that when you customized a cheap instrument you don't get your money back.
2. $1100 dollar for a beat up Schecter/ESP experiment with 18 pickups, half of them don't work because they are not wired correctly. Lucky if he sells it at $300.
3. Zebra bass. Who wants a zebra bass?
4. There are a bunch of overpriced RICs on eBay (pretty much all of them) but this one takes the cake: $3500 for a black 2012 bass. Nuts.
5. Pink bass. Who wants a pink bass other than Billy Sheehan? Okay, I guess my daughter would want a pink bass.
6. $4000 for a Hofner? I know this model is highly collectable, but good luck getting $2500.
7. $8500 for a '71 RIC. Really?
8. Korean MTDs: These are/were, in my opinion, one of the most overpriced basses out there. $1250 for these. I paid $900 for one once, and I thought it was a $500 bass at the most. These basses can't cost more than $200 to make. They have nice fret work and set up nicely, but the woods are very low quality and the electronics are garbage. Arg.
9. CS Fender Bass VI, $5260. Such a rare instrument with such a narrow market. I predict this will sit there for decades. Lucky if they can sell it for $2500.