Matt R. wrote:
"Not giving a shit" and comparing the availability of left handed instruments to racial and gender bigotry are in completely different universes. Someone who has experienced the brunt of racism or gender discrimination would laugh in your face about getting so worked up over what, in the end, is an economic/marketing decision by an instrument manufacturer.
I wish there were more choices, but I have a bad ass arsenal of basses. So yeah, I'm not gonna get all militant because Gibson won't make me a lefty Ripper. Fuck them.
I agree, on the surface it might seem a bit extreme to be comparing the adversities that lefties today have to contend with vs. racism, sexism, etc., but what if we were having this conversation hundreds of years ago? (Via our quills and messenger pigeons, LOL). Lefty = sinister. If you read up on the history of left handedness, you learn that lefties were considered evil at one time and were amputated, burned at the stake (they loved to use that as a common solution to many problems, didn't they?), etc. So you could argue that the level of discrimination was on par with racism today once upon a time.
As for Gibson - f*ck 'em! Do you really want to line the pockets of a company that doesn't respect you enough to release a SINGLE left handed bass over the past 35 years anyway?! So what exactly are we lamenting here, the inability to wear a name brand? Build your own Ripper, or buy a Gaskell lefty knockoff - and wear it with pride.
I've been collecting lefty basses for over 15 years now. It's not easy, and in some cases has taken those 15 years to find certain instruments, but I'd like to believe a lefty collection is that much more rewarding to acquire vs. some righty who could walk into any store in the world and buy up dozens of instruments immediately because they're far more easily accessible. So long story short: there ARE many lefty choices out there, old and new, though trying one first hand is usually the biggest dilemma. I think the internet, ebay, classifieds, etc. has made it extremely easy to find lefties today. When I bought my '72 J back in 1984, NONE of this technology existed yet, so a search consisted of daily pilgrimages for over a year to 48th st. in NYC, searching newspaper classifieds, etc.
And when all is said and done, how many instruments do you REALLY need to play music? Unless you are a collector, I'd say anywhere from 1 to 4 instruments? If I stopped collecting (which I more or less have; moving on to acoustic guitars now.

) and had to live with 1 bass,I could do it with a Squire Jazz and be content with the joy of creating music.
Here's 5 reasons you're better off being righty anyway: ... -life.html