Aiight, here's what happened... now that I just received my refund, I'm OK with sharing my story.
I received the bass the Wednesday before Turkey-Day, let it sit for a couple hours, opened it up and it looked beautiful upon immediate inspection... the finish was immaculate. The strings were slack out of the case, so I tuned it up to pitch and let it set for a couple more hours before I had a chance to spend some time with it at home. Once I sat with it, I immediately noticed some shitty construction and setup details that were missed.
Now... please forgive my anal retentiveness here, but this is a $2000 American made bass built by a company who has been around for a long-ass time, and I'm judging it as such.
1.) The G saddle was backwards and the intonation was HORRIBLY off. In fact, the intonation overall was pretty bad. No big deal, that was an easy fix... but it never should have left the factory like that.
2.) The side dots were all effed up... the side dot for the 5th fret was about a centimeter off-center. Annoying, but I could live with it.
3.) The nut was cut WAY high... higher than any bass I've ever played, including the cheapest pieces of Indonesian garbage that's out there. Again, annoying, but not the end of the world.
4.) The bridge pickup was glued onto its base crooked... another annoying minor detail that I could live with.
I spent a couple of frustrating hours trying to set it up how I like it and I just couldn't do it... No matter what i did i was getting lots of fret buzz, especially on the D and G strings, and some on the A as well... action was lower on the E string, but it was fine. I thought that was odd.
The neck seemed fairly straight on the bass (just a hair of relief) but in order to get rid of most of the fret buzz, I had to crank the action WAY high... If I gave the neck just a touch of relief, I could lower it a little, but not much. I couldn't figure out what was going on, so I checked relief on the treble side of the neck... it had NO relief AT ALL. Not a good sign.
I then sighted the neck and this brings me to #5 on my list...
the neck was completely fugged.
I checked the truss rods and the treble side truss rod was cranked... WAY more than the bass side. And when I sighted down the neck, you can see the touch of relief on the bass side, but the treble side looks like it has a hump in it... ? Yikes.
I immediately sent Dave's a polite email to let them know what was going on, and I told them I wanted some more time with it to see if I could dial it in. I wanted to keep the bass... I wanted the deal to work out... I was trying to remain positive. I received a brisk reply from Laun at Dave's... "Thanks for letting me know. You can keep me posted on what you decide." No help, no suggestions, no apologies, no nothing.
I evened out the two truss rods a bit better and let it sit overnight... absolutely no change the next day. I then attempted to add a little more tension to the bass side and ease off some more from the treble side, but the changes had no affect when I checked on it again later that night. I completely removed ALL tension from the treble side... the hump stayed.
I was eventually able to bring the bass down to a local guy who has been doing repair work for over 30 years for a second opinion... and without even knowing what I had found, he was able to spot the same things I did immediately. He also saw what he thought was a slope in the fingerboard. After showing me what to look for, I could see it too. You could literally see the fingerboard slope downward from the treble side to the bass side. It was horrible.
Needless to say, he recommended I send it back.
So... that day, I sent Laun at Dave's another friendly email giving him an update. I told them I would need to send the bass back, but that I would be interested in an exchange for another Ric if they could guarantee me that the neck, frets, and fingerboard were 100% before they sent it out... otherwise, I would also be OK with a refund.
SEVEN MINUTES LATER I received a reply from Laun that said, "It looks like our remaining lefty 4003 doesn't set up perfectly either, so we’ll be happy to refund the $1899 once we get the bass back."
Now, I dunno about you guys, but that sure seems like a pretty shitty brush-off to me... I've never heard of anyone who was able to read an email, go grab a bass out of the case, do a complete check-up AND reply to that email in 7 minutes... so, I naturally went from "this is a shitty situation but I'm going to make the best of it" to "what in the hell is their problem and why am I being treated this way."
I called up and Laun asked him why I got the brush off... he said that he wasn't doing that, but Rics are "finicky" and I'm not going to get the same kind of setup results with a Ric that I can get on a Fender. I explained that it's not a set-up issue, that the neck is fugged... all I was asking was for a bass that didn't have neck issues... about a minute later I realized that I was wasting my time... so I thanked him for his time and hung up.
By the way, yes... the bass that Laun wouldn't let me have because it has issues is the same bass that's still for sale on their site.
Our very own Matt R. also received a Ric 4003 bass that was less than stellar... crooked nameplate, bad nut, and, SURPRISE! A bad neck. *sigh*
Matt decided to get his issues handled through Ric because they were so cool on the phone, but he and I started chatting back and forth about my situation and he went to Dave's with his issues as well to see what kind of response he would get. He was told by Laun that his guys would check over the other Ric they had and they'd do an exchange, no problem. A completely different answer than I received for whatever reason... which, in my opinion, is complete bullshit.
If Matt wants to chime in with more details on his situation, he can do that. He gave me permission to share some of his story here. He's read all of the emails I sent and can verify everything I've said... I was NEVER a dick and I was always very polite with Dave's... I wanted to try to keep the deal if possible.
So... the takeaways from all of this is that I will NEVER buy another Ric without getting a chance to check it out first or at least buy it from someone who I know is a competent player and can set up their own instruments... and I will NOT be giving Dave's any more of my business.
Anyway... I'm pretty bummed.