When i mentioned "paypal info" i of course refered to the email to his account for the transfer, what else did you think? Calm down.
I actually asked in beforehand if international shipping was fine, i recieved a positive reply.
As he hadnt actually filled in international shipping in the availlabillity it doesnt allow me to send money through "pay now" therefore it usually works to just transfer over to his account from mine, this was how it was done through a previous auction with him.
Every time i asked for the paypal email, i didnt recieve a reply on my direct question and then he relisted it and then after opened a ticket.
Then i recieved something in the line of, that the seller didnt allow him to sell it to me for start (for whatever reason i wasnt given).
Then i was told, IF i would win the auction again, he would send me this info and that it would be fine.(??)
What i dont understand was what the problem was in the first place, as i've bought guitars from him before.
I am not claiming anything of "Wouaah hes a ripoff, dont buy from him" I just think the scenario itself is pissy and unfair.
I think its a valid reason, considering 1, we had dealt before, and was aware of that i would transfer via hi account.2) Why isnt it valid? Its not like i didnt want to pay for the bass, if not, i wouldnt have bothered emailing.
No need for name calling along the lines of my nationality. Maybe i should just quit this rant, but thats just my view on it