I kinda feel like I'm trespassing a bit as I play righty but anyway...
Yeah, I was the guy who actually ended up winning the auction. I think half of the bids posted were mine

. So, if I'm a righty, what do I want with a beat to heck, old lefty Kramer? It's a shorter story but it was a long search.
My wife is a southpaw and has been playing a bass for a few years now. I play guitar, bass and drums myself. She is signifigantly smaller than me and has trouble stretching to play a full scale bass so I picked up a cheap mustang bass and flipped it around for her. She loves it and spent the past few years playing pretty much just that bass. About 2 years ago, she decided she wanted a better bass, an "instrument" if you will, so I started searching for short scale, left handed basses. You know there aren't many. I've been searching eBay daily for vintage lefty Mustangs with the only one I saw slipping through my fingers (a rather nice cream one with a tort pickguard). I was also let down foer the first time by Fender Japan who normaly caters very well to lefty's but not the Mustang Bass, dunno why, my wife loves the Competition Orange Mustang Bass they offer. I contacted several small custom builders and they were all interested until they heard it was short scale and/or lefty.
So last week, my wife saw the Kramer on eBay and asked me to look at it. I had played the righty equivalent that belonged to a friend and was impressed by the aluminum neck Kramer basses and knew it was a good grade of instrument for her so she left me to bid on it.
A few years ago I was pretty sick and couldn't leave the house for 6 months. I had plenty of free time to practice but I couldn't afford any halfway decent equipment so I bought wrecked gear and learned how to fix it, later working at a guitar store doing repairs. I build pedals amps and guitars for myself and some of my friends and restored a 1993 PRS EG II that had been "Pete Townshend-ed" and had the neck joint destroyed and had been left for dead (best "free" guitar I ever got, just needed $400 in parts to live again!).
Anyway, after it lands next week I'm going to completely disassemble it, rip out the electronics, clean the dang body (well, all of it really), test the pickups, replace the Alembic guts that don't look to be working with a GGG Orange Squeezer, put it all together again and cut a new back plate for it. Cleaning it will probably take the longest but I'll try to post a R&R (rebuild and revive) thread here for those interested.