Matt R. wrote:
There's nothing about those towers falling that looks like a controlled demolition. You want to explain how demolition crews can wire office buildings where thousands of people work every day without anybody knowing what's going on? Do you understand how many people would have to be complicit in that to keep it quiet? Absolutely impossible.

The government is inept and crooked here, but in on the attacks? Hell no. All this conspiracy shit is ridiculous. And citing Michael Moore films? Come on. I really liked Fahrenheit 911 but it's satire.
And as far as I recall, Moore leaves out the fact that Osama bin Laden had been disowned by much of his family here.
As much as I detest George W. Bush, I don't believe there is some nefarious connection there. He was an oil guy and the bin Laden family had a lot of business connections here.
Clear, and well said. Simply put, the intense heat generated by the jet-fuel fires weakened and melted the building's iron skeleton, which was designed in such a way that the top of the building acted like a giant weight that fell straight down, collapsing the floors upon themselves as it did do. There are several well done documentaries showing that the way the building was designed, was it's ultimate Achilles heal. No government plot, just a building design never built to survive this kind of catastrophe to it's infrastructure. Had the planes hit far lower, the towers would most certainly have fallen over like felling a tree, which would have been incredibly worse.
I still have a very hard time watching replays of the jets hitting the towers, and seeing the explosions, flying glass and shrapnel. It's almost like watching a family member's gruesome murder again and again... I am very angry at the small group of cowards who believe in killing innocent people in the name of their God. People who's only "crime" is to want to live, work, and better themselves and their families in the United States. Or for that matter, targeting people in their own countries, who are trying to raise themselves up. It just doesn't make sense; it's just a savage mentality.
My heart and thoughts go out to all of the people, and families who have been affected by the acts of cowardice perpetrated on 9-11-2001.