For me, my first impression, "nice-looking bass!" But knowing what I've learned from all of the discussions here, and on TB, this is not really a "copy". Unlike Fender P's and J's, which get copied all the time, a Rickenbacker is very unique in the use of their own proprietary pickups, bridges, and hardware. The Ric's have such a unique sound, and that comes from using their own electronics, bridges, layout, etc., and that's something you just won't get in a copy. The same thing with an Alembic, although you can buy their Electronics systems and install them in just about anything.
If I were to be interested in owning and playing a Ric, I would save up and wait for the right deal, and get the real-deal. It reminds me of the classic '52 MG-TD, and how you could buy a very convincing looking kit and put it on an old VW chassis. Looks great until you hear the fweet-fweet-fweet (yes, that's the official sound!
) of the stock VW muffler.
Anyways, don't mean to rain on the OP's posting/parade, just my humble thoughts....