andrew wrote:
Lefty007 wrote:
I had another Lakland before this

How's she doing? Is she your main bass?
Addison, yeah, man, it seems that 9 lb is the limit of my shoulder. It's not so much about 0.5 lb, it's about the extra 8.5 lb before that! At 9 lb I start feeling numbness in my arm, then my shoulder bothers, and then about an hour into having the bass on I start feeling it in my lower back.
I've been playing the 55-94 non-stop, and so far the love affair's still on. It would be really hard to let it go. I have a long gig tomorrow. I'm even thinking on ordering one that's lightweight. I just don't want to spend $1200 extra (for a Classic) in comparison to what I paid for this one. . .
Talking about Lakies, here's my former Glaub, which was Andrew's original bass, then I bought, then a sold it to him!