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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 26th, 2011, 4:39 pm 

Joined: October 8th, 2009, 3:19 am
Posts: 866
Have you considered Carvin? Their B50 bass would be under $1000 with reasonable options (no fancy wood tops).

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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 26th, 2011, 4:55 pm 
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Joined: March 10th, 2008, 7:00 pm
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Location: Seattle, WA USA
at the risk of sounding somewhat biased, let me offer a couple opinions on what I've read since my initial post in this thread ... I understand more clearly that you're going for that Jaco vibe and sound. please allow me to be a little forward and biased in a couple opinions (thanks! :P )

- you aren't going to nail the Jaco tone using a neck reinforced with a pair of steel bars. Warmoth builds a great product, but they're firm on their use of steel reinforcement bars (there's rumors about future changes to this, but nothing set in stone as to if or when they will offer something different) ... if you're going for Jaco tone you need to look elsewhere. The two real options you have then are USACG and MightyMite, and my preference leans away from the MM neck due to quality issues I've experienced on several necks in the past (do keep in perspective that I'd also flunk a portion of what Fender lets out of their factory)

- and Alder body with a Maple/Rosewood neck is what you're looking for. if you can find room in your budget, spending $250 to have your fingerboard properly epoxied will be worth it if you want those singing upper mids - but only if you also get the set-up done properly

- an ebanol fingerboard is going to take you even further away from that Jaco vibe than using steel reinforcement bars

- if you haven't assembled, repaired, or set-up a bass from initial assembly before, be certain to work with somebody who has significant experience doing so with basses. there's a load of detail nuances that make all the differences between an OK assembly and a bass that you'll go to your grave with (and there's a load you can easily mess up that will give you something to look at (or worse - feel!) every time you play it

- a Hipshot vintage bent plate bridge of the desired string spacing would be my recommendation if you've never slotted a Leo Quan BA bridge before and you can't verify that your local tech follows the install workflows recommended by Leo Quan (I speak from experience that there is a huge difference between a BAII hack job and one installed and set-up properly)

- don't wast your money on StewMac preassembled pickup and pots. get good pickups and utilize high quality 205K ohn CTS pots

I'm not attempting to solicit your business with this post. I'm simply offering you some of the advice we'd discuss thru if you and I were exchanging emails on a custom build in the end you're the one who has to like what you've built, so none of us can be an absolute authority to you on what we offer from our experience.

I'll say again what you really need to do before spending even a single penny -

- know the specs you want in granular detail
- consider only those parts that meet those specs
- understand how different parts compliment each other and how others won't work together
- don't settle for something that's outside of your specs unless it's significantly out of your budget - it's better to spend $1500 and LOVE your bass than to spend $1195 and be sorry you didn't buy something else used

all the best,


Moderator: Blueprinting and Bondo
Pickups: Honey Badger Pickups - Like Honey Badger Pickups on Facebook!
Basses: Regenerate Guitar Works - Like Regenerate Guitar Works on Facebook!

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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 26th, 2011, 6:22 pm 

Joined: July 5th, 2010, 3:00 pm
Posts: 269
Hey thanks Rodent, that's a great post and I really appreciate you putting time into that. I'm heavily considering that and am now probably deconsidering the KSD fretless. I just am not sure I am ready for the journey of getting a custom bass (maybe in the future) so I am still thinking about the KSD and just going for a standard fretless but not jaco tone.

I did send you a pm in regard to your post.

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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 26th, 2011, 7:49 pm 

Joined: July 5th, 2010, 3:00 pm
Posts: 269
I just noticed I can get a pretty nice Carvin custom build for around 1000$. How do those stack up?

edit: I made a Carvin bass that I like. It may not get the Jaco growl I was hoping for, but I must say i'm liking this build.

Base Model Options Quantity Price
Left Handed
Fretless 1 $769.00

ASH - Maple Neck/Swamp Ash Body $40.00
BGB - Black Gloss Back & Sides $30.00
-CG - Clear Gloss Finish (Standard) $0.00
TL - Blueburst $25.00
-TN - Tung Oil Finish Back Of Neck (Standard) $0.00
-EB - Ebony Fingerboard (Standard) $0.00
FID - Fretless Fingerboard w/ White Lines & Dots $50.00
-R14 - 14in Fretboard Radius (Standard) $0.00
-J9A - J99A Alnico Single Coil Pickups (Standard) $0.00
-BLK - Black Pickups $0.00
AC - Active/Passive Electronics (Guitars Have Coil Splitters, Phase Switch) $60.00
MBS - Stacked Mid Sweep Replaces Tone Control (Must Order AC) $15.00
BC - Black Hardware $30.00
FWS - Flat Wound Med Light $10.00
WL - White Logo $0.00
SL - Dunlop Straplocks $10.00
IVN - Ivory Graph Tech TUSQ Nut $5.00
HC8S - Black Tolex Hardshell Bass Case FREE $0.00
Custom Shop Total: $1,044.00

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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 27th, 2011, 12:24 am 
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Joined: March 10th, 2008, 7:00 pm
Posts: 1184
Location: Seattle, WA USA
I've played a couple Carvins before, and find them to be rather nice instruments

this item is the only thing I caution against

-TN - Tung Oil Finish Back Of Neck (Standard) $0.00

a tung oiled Maple neck is going to require periodic maintenence to keep as full of a protection as tung oil can give, and even then it won't give you 100% protection against moisture penetration (which on Maple is a bad thing).

I'd recommend a satin finish if Carvin offers one. when done properly it'll be 98% of the feel of an oiled neck while also giving you full moisture and grime protection. an added benefit is that you can always use fine steel wool to refresh the satiny feel if you play it enough to wear an area shiny

I'd also recommend a graphite stiffening bar option if Carvin offers it. adding graphite stiffening ars will increase the stiffness of your neck, making it less prone to changing with the seasons and also helping to reduce the potential for deadspots on a 34" scale neck. and unlike steel stiffening bars with their upper mid 'ping', carbon fiber changes the tonality an amount so small that many people don't hear it

all the best,


Moderator: Blueprinting and Bondo
Pickups: Honey Badger Pickups - Like Honey Badger Pickups on Facebook!
Basses: Regenerate Guitar Works - Like Regenerate Guitar Works on Facebook!

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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 27th, 2011, 12:28 am 
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Joined: August 1st, 2009, 6:19 pm
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Those KSD's are great if you change the preamp for let say a J-retro or an Audere. You are still under budget.

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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 27th, 2011, 8:17 am 

Joined: July 5th, 2010, 3:00 pm
Posts: 269
Rodent wrote:
I've played a couple Carvins before, and find them to be rather nice instruments

this item is the only thing I caution against

-TN - Tung Oil Finish Back Of Neck (Standard) $0.00

a tung oiled Maple neck is going to require periodic maintenence to keep as full of a protection as tung oil can give, and even then it won't give you 100% protection against moisture penetration (which on Maple is a bad thing).

I'd recommend a satin finish if Carvin offers one. when done properly it'll be 98% of the feel of an oiled neck while also giving you full moisture and grime protection. an added benefit is that you can always use fine steel wool to refresh the satiny feel if you play it enough to wear an area shiny

I'd also recommend a graphite stiffening bar option if Carvin offers it. adding graphite stiffening ars will increase the stiffness of your neck, making it less prone to changing with the seasons and also helping to reduce the potential for deadspots on a 34" scale neck. and unlike steel stiffening bars with their upper mid 'ping', carbon fiber changes the tonality an amount so small that many people don't hear it

all the best,


What do you think of gloss finish on the back of the neck? I was going to get a painted satin option, to get the blueburst effect on the whole bass (looks much nicer) but the satin finish doesn't get the same tint unless I also use satin fin on the body (which I don't want). They offer a painted clear gloss as can be seen in the following bass (http://www.carvinguitars.com/images/gui ... 12505b.jpg). That bass is only 1,000 by the way (it's a steal in my opinion but i'm not looking for that tone as my mahogany/bubinga schecter is already super mellow).

Obviously I worry about sticking and the inability to move as fast, would that be a problem? The cost of the clear gloss color match is 100 extra but in my opinion, the beauty it brings to a bass is worth it for that small price. My current build with that is looking at 1,144.

Base Model    Options    Quantity    Price
Left Handed
Fretless         1    $769.00

     ASH - Maple Neck/Swamp Ash Body    $40.00
     BGB - Black Gloss Back & Sides    $30.00
     -CG - Clear Gloss Finish (Standard)    $0.00
     TL - Blueburst    $25.00
     GNB - Clear Gloss Finish Back of Neck    $100.00
     -EB - Ebony Fingerboard (Standard)    $0.00
     FID - Fretless Fingerboard w/ White Lines & Dots    $50.00
     -R14 - 14in Fretboard Radius (Standard)    $0.00
     -J9A - J99A Alnico Single Coil Pickups (Standard)    $0.00
     -BLK - Black Pickups    $0.00
     AC - Active/Passive Electronics (Guitars Have Coil Splitters, Phase Switch)    $60.00
     MBS - Stacked Mid Sweep Replaces Tone Control (Must Order AC)    $15.00
     BC - Black Hardware    $30.00
     FWS - Flat Wound Med Light    $10.00
     WL - White Logo    $0.00
     SL - Dunlop Straplocks    $10.00
     IVN - Ivory Graph Tech TUSQ Nut    $5.00
     HC8S - Black Tolex Hardshell Bass Case FREE    $0.00
     Custom Shop Total:     $1,144.00

ps. no stiffening bar option, although guy on phone said the neck is a graphite + steel triple reinforced
pss. Called Carvin and they said the gloss finish is very slow. In terms of speed its the tung -> sating -> gloss. So i'm going to go with a painted satin. This leaves me with this build below. Does it look good, I like the color, options etc.

Left Handed
Fretless         1    $769.00

     ASH - Maple Neck/Swamp Ash Body    $40.00
     -CG - Clear Gloss Finish (Standard)    $0.00
     TL - Blueburst    $25.00
     PSN - Painted Satin Finish Back Of Neck (Matches Body Color)    $60.00
     -EB - Ebony Fingerboard (Standard)    $0.00
     FID - Fretless Fingerboard w/ White Lines & Dots    $50.00
     -R14 - 14in Fretboard Radius (Standard)    $0.00
     -J9A - J99A Alnico Single Coil Pickups (Standard)    $0.00
     -BLK - Black Pickups    $0.00
     AC - Active/Passive Electronics (Guitars Have Coil Splitters, Phase Switch)    $60.00
     MBS - Stacked Mid Sweep Replaces Tone Control (Must Order AC)    $15.00
     BC - Black Hardware    $30.00
     FWS - Flat Wound Med Light    $10.00
     WL - White Logo    $0.00
     SL - Dunlop Straplocks    $10.00
     IVN - Ivory Graph Tech TUSQ Nut    $5.00
     HC8S - Black Tolex Hardshell Bass Case FREE    $0.00
     Custom Shop Total:     $1,074.00

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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 27th, 2011, 11:46 am 

Joined: July 5th, 2010, 3:00 pm
Posts: 269
Just placed an order for that carvin build up above, the only difference is I also got a blueburst headstock to match the body. It should be very attractive.

Think the final build was 1104 + 15 for a carvin strap. Free hardshell case was a plus.

Thanks to everyone in this thread for help / advice...I think i'll really like this build, seems like it will be very modern but also be able to get a classic vibe.

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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 27th, 2011, 11:58 am 
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Please let us know how you like it once you've had some time to play it.

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 Post subject: Re: Warmoth Basses?
PostPosted: January 27th, 2011, 12:01 pm 

Joined: July 5th, 2010, 3:00 pm
Posts: 269
Will do...I don't know how you guys do it waiting for the year+ wait basses. 5-7 weeks sounds rough enough, i couldn't image 50 weeks!

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