An update on this (if anybody is interested). . . I DID IT!
Well, I received it yesterday. Sorry to any fellow leftybassists that might have been bidding on this. Got it for $2100 shipped. Not bad.
The bass is in pristine condition. It's a '98. It looks like somebody played it at home for 6 month and stored it under a bed for 12 years. Frets are a bit rusty, and the fretboard was a bit dry (put on some oil already).
In the pictures it looks like blueburst, but it is tealburst: very nice an classy, not too showy. I had another Lakland before this, so I knew what they were like, and sure, it's just top-notch, beautiful quality all the way.
Even though the neck is wide, it's extremely comfortable. Action is stupidly low, and I love the fretboard radius, and how it let's you finger funk and crack the notes just like on a Fender. A pet peeve of mine is that most 5-strings usually have very flat radius (12" and flatter) and it's hard to crack the notes. I saw a video of Carl Pedigo (Lakland luthier) and he mentions that they build the necks to have a relief of 1/8000" at the 12th fret when the neck is perfectly straight. This allows you to have very low action without buzzing. I concur.
Soundwise, it's just as everybody says: great low-B, great definition and consistency from string to string. I'm familiar with Bartolini electronic, so no surprises there. I'm mostly using it in a Jazz-Bass pickup configuration.
So, I think I scored.
My only letdown: it weighs 9.1 lb. It's right on the verge of being too heavy for me. I was hoping for a lighter bass, but the bass is so good that for now I think I'll man-up and keep it. I've been using 4"-wide leather straps, but I'm going to try a monocase strap to see if it'll make it more manageable. (I tried Comfort Strapps, but found them too spongy.)
Here are the eBay pics for when the eBay listing expires: