Okay, a few questionable things that make me wary:
- Seller claims it's a '64 Jazz, but the neck's a '62. Fine, we all know Fender would sometimes have parts sitting around for years before assembling them for lefty orders as needed, but seller claims that the inlays are pearl. Fender didn't switch from clay dot to pearl until the end of '64. I could be wrong, but it's unlikely Fender would build a neck in '62 and not install inlays until '64 because it's my understanding that they didn't stamp a neck until it was completed. I don't think they'd stamp it as a neck blank or prior to the drilling station. Not completely sure though.
- As already mentioned, neck heel stamp has truss rod running through it. That's because it was stamped upside down! Might be legit, and perhaps further indication that Fender had made so few lefties up to that point that they hadn't figured it out yet if they ever did).
Still, lefty or righty, I don't understand why it would have mattered. A heel is a heel.
- Why is there an additional strap button mounted to the lower horn? If the guy claims he's the original owner and is a lefty, then what's the need unless a righty had it at one time? And if he was a righty, then why bother ordering a lefty and waiting "5 months" when you can grab a righty off the rack at any time?
- The guy was thumb rest-happy, wasn't he? Two additional routes for an upper thumb rest.
- Additional routing for that wonderful bridge PUP bridge mounted over the bridge.
- Definitely would like to see pix of the control cavity, PUPs, neck pocket, and bridge.
- He mentions the original case was brown. Fender offered brown up until '63, as they switched to black cases thereafter. It's possible the case was a left over from pre '63, though I'm not sure why Fender would have old assembled cases lying around indefinitely.
- I'd like to see if there are any relief holes behind those tuning heads.
- I'm tempted to contact the seller to ask why the neck has pearl inlays and also what the original decal looked like. It should have said only "Fender", since, AFAIK Fender never added any other copy to the headstock until the 70's.
That's all I've got...for now.