OMG! It's a good thing "master craftsman Mark Barter owner of "Sunburst Guitars", relic-ed this, otherwise this could have turned out to look a piece of crap!

Just when I've gotten past the "belt-burns" on the body, and over the shock of the "dremel dips" on the fretboard, I see the back-side of the neck, which has been obviously, but gently held in the loving hands of the "master" as it was rubbed back and forth on a belt sander. It's also interesting how the relic-ing doesn't blend onto the body, but disappears directly into the neck joint.
That must be one helluva pair of rose-colored glasses the buyer and master craftsmen are wearing... or, they're having a hard time seeing through the smoke coming from the funny cigarettes they're lighting.... otherwise, why would the buyer include the zoom function that allows sane people to see close-up the damage that's been perpetrated on a couple of decent body parts that were once just minding there own business in the seller's inventory?
Anyone feel like buying a bass guitar built by master craftsman Mark Barter of Sunburst Guitars? Thought so....