fivebass52 wrote:
I'd rather hear about why you got excomminicated from TB!
Looking back all these years later I realize I was very naive. I had no idea how big a business these forums can be or become. And when that happens especially with gear oriented/centric sites then that means corporate (or even not-so-corporate) employed posters become financially involved and influence the dialog. A forum like TB really is another arena of commerce that is to valuable to be ignored by the mfgs. and their agents. There's too much to gain from all the profiling, marketing, data mining, trend-watching, etc. for those with a stake in the industry to not try to control the debate. There's just too much business to conduct and a tiny few of my opinions were bad for business.
I was embarrassed for TB at the time as I witnessed them do the silliest things in order to stamp out anything perceived to be controversial. And by controversial I don't mean anything nefarious or even against their rules...I simply mean things that were not pro consumer "buy buy buy" anything whatever it's all good just buy. IIRC they made up four or five new rules (just in "amps" and all of which were "stickied" for a while) in a span of maybe three weeks all aimed to quelch discussion of "the amp that shall not be named"
The owner, a couple of the more senior mods, and some up-n-comers organized in Town of Woodbury Walking Dead style a la The Governor, Martinez, and Tyreese to excommunicate me because they got tired of making up new rules to sticky.
All that being said I don't have anything against TB or any of those people. Overall it's a great site and nothing can be perfect. Every now and then I'll put on a
and slather on some zombie guts and slip in the back door over there for whatever reason. I mean it's not too hard to blend in when you're a right-handed 8-string playin' SS-amped tweeter (and horn!) 15 yr. old girl bassist like me now is it?