
Custom Shop Kala California 5-String Solid Body U-Bass
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Author:  crabbat [ September 12th, 2016, 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Custom Shop Kala California 5-String Solid Body U-Bass

Kala California 5-string fretted left handed solid body U-Bass, new, solid body, natural finish, gig bag. Purchased this U-Bass, single owner. I believe this is the only left handed on the internet. I am just trying to recoup as much as what I paid. Nothing wrong with the bass. It's incredible, I am just a graduate student who made a poor decision in purchasing something I do not need. $2000 or best offer. Kala does not plan on making the California U-basses in lefty, I confirmed with them. Once in a lifetime offer for a unique upright bass sound along with a slew of others, you can also put flat wounds on it! Scale is slightly shorter than a stratocaster! Please call me at 727-249-3140, I am available at anytime.

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Author:  AzWhoFan [ September 12th, 2016, 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Shop Kala California 5-String Solid Body U-Bass

nice bass! GLWTS

Author:  Moses [ September 12th, 2016, 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Shop Kala California 5-String Solid Body U-Bass

haha oh man that little thing looks rad!

Author:  Matt R. [ September 12th, 2016, 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Shop Kala California 5-String Solid Body U-Bass

Holy Toledo. That's really cool.

Author:  malvarengo [ February 10th, 2018, 11:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Shop Kala California 5-String Solid Body U-Bass

i am interested in your lefty bass. I have for trade a WALTER WOOD M100 bass amp head whit 2 channells in excellent conditions.
This amp is from 1984 and your sound is realy great. I apreciatte your answer. Thanks My e-mail address is malvarengo@gmail.com
and can send you pics. Thanks. Manuel

Author:  fivebass52 [ February 10th, 2018, 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Shop Kala California 5-String Solid Body U-Bass

malvarengo wrote:
i am interested in your lefty bass. I have for trade a WALTER WOOD M100 bass amp head whit 2 channells in excellent conditions.
This amp is from 1984 and your sound is realy great. I apreciatte your answer. Thanks My e-mail address is malvarengo@gmail.com
and can send you pics. Thanks. Manuel

With all due respect, I have to weigh in on your offer as an avid Walter Woods owner... I currently own a 2002 WW "Green" light 1000w amp, which is highly prized because of its true "Stereo" option, and cost me $2215 (shipped) in 2002. It would bring anywhere from $2000-up at this point in time, as it is a highly desirable amp, along with Walter's "Blue" light Mono-Block head, which is rated at 1200w. Your M-100 is still a solid, and very usable amp, but it's current value is only in the $800.00 range... sorry if I burst your bubble...

Author:  fivebass52 [ February 10th, 2018, 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Custom Shop Kala California 5-String Solid Body U-Bass

crabbat, not trying to piss you off here, but, according to the Kala website, a right hand 5-string ranges in price from $1099-to-1199... I hate to think that Kala is charging almost Double to build a left hand solid body, 5-string version... So, what special-order items did you ask for that pushed your Kala to the $2000 price range?

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