
The XL2 Has Landed!
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Author:  sblueplanet [ September 9th, 2017, 4:54 am ]
Post subject:  The XL2 Has Landed!

After what seemed like eternity stuck in UK Customs, the Steinberger XL2 From Seattle is finally in my possession.
I must give a huge thanks to fellow member "rdavidson" without whom getting the bass would have been a remote chance at best. A fantastic guy to deal with, he really deserves all the credit for me having this new toy.
The bass really is in immaculate condition and very bright sounding compared to the L2 right-handed fretless I owned way back. Im guessing its different pickups in the XL2?
The only issue I never foresaw is the fact that the string slots on the headpiece are different widths and I play with my basses strung in reverse, so not sure how Im gonna get around that one.

Author:  rdavidson [ September 9th, 2017, 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The XL2 Has Landed!

Thanks for the kind words! I am happy to help facilitate a sale for a fellow lefty! I really hope you find an inexpensive, easy solution for the string slots!! Let us know how it goes...

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