Well it finally happened.
After nearly 40 years of playing bass I finally got to play a lefty Rick 4003
I have fantisized about 4001/4003s ever since I was a tiny little bassplayer oggling pictures of my bass heros who played them and dreaming of a day that I might own one.
I was put off of them for a long time because they were not offered completely lefthanded (don't get me started). But that was irrelevant anyway because I had never even seen the fabled lefty in person only on websites.
Then it just so happenedd that a local shop listed one in stock!!!!
Here was my chance at last! I drove across town and arrived just as they opened and went to the bass section. There was a righthanded on the rack but no lefty! The salesman walked up and asked to help and I told him I had come to see the Lefthanded 4003 they had listed but I guess they must have sold it already.
He said, "No, it's in the back. Do you want to see it?"
Trying to restain my eagerness and not come across as some lunatic I responded with a casual "Yes, please."
A short time later he walked out with that telltale silver case and set it on the counter, inside was an absolutely beautiful Fireglo 4003, iin full lefthanded glory!
I picked it up, it was light, the body was thin! I looked it over in detail, it was flawless!
The finish was spectacular, it looked almost 3 dimensional!
"You wanna play it?"
"Ohhh yeahhh!"
Something must have crept into my voice for the look on his face had just a hint of worry.
We walked into the amp room and I plugged into an an Ampeg combo, the 2x10 version of the BA115HP that I have.
It sounded fantastic!!!
Everything that one expects from a Rick. I was a bit surprised by the flatness of the fretboard but that was okay and the neck played wonderfully ........until I started to really play in first position. The shape of the neck was so square that it wasn't very long before my wrist and forearm began to cramp.
I tried positioning the bass and my hand/arm differently, I even got a strap and tried playing it standing up.........nothing worked! I have never played a bass that had such a square neck profile. Maybe it is me who is shaped wrong but soon I realized I would never be able to play this bass comfortably.
With great sadness I returned the bass to its case explaining to the salesdude my sad dilemma and watched as the light of hope for a tidy Christmas commission faded from his eyes.
I console myself with the fact that I finally got to play my dream bass after all these years. And I rationalize that it's probably for the best, because if it had played as perfectly as I'd imagined I would now be going insane trying to concoct some crazy scheme to afford it, which at this time really is impossible.
Perhaps my perfect Rick is still out there somewhere waiting for me to discover it but sadly, it wasn't this one.