
Bass cases - what do you prefer?
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Author:  Rodent [ December 22nd, 2008, 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Bass cases - what do you prefer?

I'm looking for a reliable source for quality bass cases, as I'm growing weary of finding a case/supplier only to have them disappear two months later when I return to make another purchase. Thankfully I've not been bitten by anyone accepting my order the eve before they declare bankrupcy!

I'd prefer a case that is form fit for a lefty bass, but I could settle for something that is usable for lefty and righty. Something like this could be appealing if I couldn't find a dedicated lefty case

http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Accessories ... ml#details

what's the collective here have to share on this? I'm all ears

all the best,


Author:  andrew [ December 22nd, 2008, 5:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass cases - what do you prefer?

I think a form fitting case would be cool only because we don't see them on lefty basses very often.

Author:  AzWhoFan [ December 22nd, 2008, 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass cases - what do you prefer?

Wonderful topic!
Anybody know of a good lightweight SKB-type case that'll fit a Ken SMith? I can't use gigbags as my bass bounces around too much in the truck ...

Author:  pjmuck [ December 23rd, 2008, 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass cases - what do you prefer?

Ken Smith makes cases for his basses. Why not shoot him an e-mail. Price probably wouldn't be much different than an SKB.

Author:  AzWhoFan [ December 23rd, 2008, 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass cases - what do you prefer?

pjmuck wrote:
Ken Smith makes cases for his basses. Why not shoot him an e-mail. Price probably wouldn't be much different than an SKB.

Well, see, that's the issue!! I have a KS case already. And alltho it's quite sturdy, it's pretty darned heavy also. Hence the search commences for a lightweight plastic replacement

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