
Cheapo lefty 5ers?
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Author:  baalroo [ December 3rd, 2008, 11:44 am ]
Post subject:  Cheapo lefty 5ers?

I see a lot of cheapo stuff in lefty 4 str configs. (SX, Tokai, etc) but I never come across any cheapo 5ers. Anyone got any experience on this? I kinda feel like an outsider here because I'm not really into high-end instruments (except with drums), I like a bass/guitar I can beat around without worrying about the paintjob.

The reason I ask is I'm about to start a Doom band and we're gonna be drop tuning to A and I'd like to grab a 5er for it without dropping much cash. I already use my current basses in a stoner rock band and don't wanna have to mess with all the intonation and bowing issues of tuning that far up and down for each band. Besides, I thought it would be a good topic to discuss here.

Author:  Matt R. [ December 3rd, 2008, 11:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cheapo lefty 5ers?

Check the Rondo music site. They have them

Author:  baalroo [ December 3rd, 2008, 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cheapo lefty 5ers?

Matt R. wrote:
Check the Rondo music site. They have them

I never noticed the Douglas 5er on there before, but those Brice 5s are ugly as hell IMO... and just look cheap.

Author:  pjmuck [ December 3rd, 2008, 11:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Cheapo lefty 5ers?

Just off the top of my head, Ibanez, Dean, Schecter, and Steinberger all make lefty 5ers. I can't comment on the quality of any of them, though I think Schecter gives you a lot of bang for the buck.

Author:  Alexander [ December 15th, 2008, 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Cheapo lefty 5ers?

If you want something REALLY cheap, go to any Sam Ash music store or check them out online and look at Brownsville basses. I live near a Sam Ash and they have been stocking lefty five and six string basses that cost around $150 new. They are sort of modelled on the Fender Jazz, but not nearly as pretty. I would imagine that they are not the highest quality, or rather I would imagine that they have next to no quality, but with a bit of fine tuning it's a good way to see if you like rocking that low-B. I found a cheapo lefty active 5-string bass on ebay from a brand called OSP. It's a cool green flame type finish and it's fun messing with the extra-wide neck. Since it's an active bass, it's LOUD! But the quality of sound is not the best - when I'm recording I bust out the Fender Jazz. So you could try looking for an OSP of your own, but when I google it I don't get anything back. Apparently that company sepcializes in making guitar cases, and the actual guitars they put out must have been some kind of fluke. But hey, it was $99, and when I gig it I am not too concerned about it getting nicked/sweat upon/spilled upon/stolen.

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