Hello everybody.
Since this is my first post, let me first of all introduce myself.
My name is Francesco and I'm a left handed (obviously) bass player living in Florence, Italy.
I have a tough task at hand and I need help from someone more expert than me about vintage Fender basses..
While looking for a bass to add to my tiny collection (Stingray5, fretless Jazz and G&L SB2),
I have found a seemingly vintage Jazz Bass 60 miles from where I live. The seller sent me some
photos of the bass, and I spotted the serial number on the backplate, which dates back to mid 70s,
However, I have some doubt that this could be a fake (or a Japanese reissue, I'm no expert at all on vintage Fenders),
so I'd like some advice from You. You can find the photos he sent me here :
http://www.flickr.com/photos/63746024@N02/sets/72157636881910643/with/10447213484Also, he's asking me less than 2000$ and it seems not bad for a 70s jazz bass in this condition (notice how some screws are missing,
the original pickups have been substituted and there is no case), but maybe it's a fake and
I'm about to waste the money.
So, the question is : what do you think about it?
Thanks for helping me!