Joe Sheldon (thumbslam) would be a great person to ask about this since he's probably used almost every preamp out there and he is a big fan of utilizing onboard EQ to its full potential...
I keep my onboard EQ "flat" or "not boosted" 98% of the time and only usually touch it when I'm going through a house rig or borrowed backline rig. Sometiems I'll add a little flavor for a particular song or if I'm playing a solo... but it's rare. I tend to get my EQ from my amp, and I'm primarily a "set it and forget it" kind of guy.
With that said, here are a few that I've used...
East J-Retro "Drop In" Preamp for Jazz Basses: Noisy and hissy top end. Low end was boomy and the bass control was "boost only" with a center detent. So, even when set "flat" there was a ton of color added. Had a sweepable midrange control and stuff... but it was just too much. Didn't like it.
Bartolini NTBT-918: One of the better "all around" preamps I've ever used. Adds a little treble and and a little bass even when set flat, so just having it installed gives you a little extra oomph. The onboard gain control is a great feature as well.
Nordy 2b: I had this in my Lull M5V, and I loved it. Very "transparent" and the EQ was very usable... even if you cranked it, it never got out of hand. It has an onboard gain control and probably sounded the most like passive mode when the EQ was set flat. Very little color at all.
Aguilar OBP-1: 2-band boost only preamp... most people agree that it's virtually identical to the Sadowsky preamp. It's my favorite Aguilar preamp. Great choice if you're going for that Marcus Miller vibe.
Aguilar OBP-3: One of my least favorite preamps... the Bass control has 18db of boost in only half the rotation of the knob(!!!), so if you bump it past the center detent at all, it's already too much. The low end on these preamps can get CRAZY.

There is also no gain control and it adds a lot of color to your tone even when set flat. A lot of people love these preamps... and I mean A LOT. Everyone from jazzers to metal dudes. Personally, I just don't get it.