
Bach Fender Bird Bass - Any Good?
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Author:  jayceofbass [ August 30th, 2013, 5:48 am ]
Post subject:  Bach Fender Bird Bass - Any Good?

Hey Y'all,

I'm thinking of buying one of these and having it shipped to the backline company in Germany that we use when we are on tour in the EU. Total with shipping is only €200. I have to pay for extra baggage every time we fly to the EU - three or more times a year - so that I can bring two basses with me. (All the guitar players just bring one guitar in a gig bag as carry on and our tour manager arranges spares for them from the backline co. Unfortunately, they ain't stocking any lefties. That's why I need to bring my own spare.) This really eats into my baggage weight limit for things like clothes and other necessities. Air Transat gives you 23kg for one bag and only 33kg - combined total - if you go the two bag route. My road case that holds two basses is 16-17kg on its own when loaded. The idea would be to leave this bass in Germany for when we're there. Thus, giving me a glorious 7-8kg of reclaimed weight for more changes of clothes. My SG Bass - short scale - almost fits into a regular guitar gig bag so I'm not worried about making it fit into the overhead with all the guitars.

I know many of you have made purchases from Bach so I'm not worried about the bank transfer thing at all. But, are these good enough to be used for reals on stage? Will it disintegrate from being thrown in the back of the van everyday? They look pretty tight and the reviews seem to be good but I thought I'd throw it out there to you guys who may have had some experience.



Author:  iome [ August 30th, 2013, 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bach Fender Bird Bass - Any Good?

I think you would be pleased with the bach on stage, even with the original Artec pickups.
If they're still available, you can get the nr Tbird for the same price.

Author:  cangaroo [ September 2nd, 2013, 2:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bach Fender Bird Bass - Any Good?

Bach is very good for the money you're going to spend. I own a Bach NR Thunderbird, now it's my main gigging bass. I'd like to give a try to the BachBird but i don't really need another bass.

Author:  Agent00Soul [ September 3rd, 2013, 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bach Fender Bird Bass - Any Good?

I use the NR T-bird for my harder rocking or experimental gigs. It handles signal processing really well and actually sounds best when running through my Boss Bass Overdrive pedal, even with the distortion itself turned down. I'm doing a gig later in the month of all I.R.S. records New Wave songs, so I'll definitely use it for that. The only issue is it's mad heavy - I had to buy a special cushioned, wide strap for it.

The only YouTube clips I have are for some simple bass line songs, but if they help...


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