cangaroo wrote:
last Tuedsay i tried a 78 P and it was sonically consistent with the one i owned in the past. Maybe just a little more mids and highs. Anyway my opinion of late 70s Ps (expecially on the ash / maple ones) is that they are great but they are not for every musical situation. They work well with tone full open, great Rock / Punk / Alt / Wave sound, but if you close the tone, everything disappear and you get a quite useless tone IMHO. I'd like to give a try to a early 70s P but i never had the chance.
Agree. I play classic rock and have a '79 maple and its perfect. I have the tone just short of full open. It's heavy, 4 hrs of practice today and I started feeling it some in my back, but worth it. I might be having a fire sale very soon of my other basses...