Thanks dudes... I really appreciate the support.
It honestly means a lot.
pjmuck wrote:
It's as if they hate making them, so they churn 'em out ASAP to get them done so they can move on to their real "bread and butter".
Matt R, Thumbslam and Gravesbaass and I have all talked at length about this, and I'd say we collectively agree with you 100%.
It's like we should feel lucky to get what we end up with... hey, maybe that mcarp guy and I have more in common than I thought!
pjmuck wrote:
I've posted warning on Facebook. Here's Alleva Coppolo's Facebook page too: him know we're not second rate citizens.
I didn't get a chance to check it out, but I heard his FB page turned into a war zone and they eventually removed the posts and the ability for people to make posts.
Lefty007 wrote:
There is no Holy Grail - it's all in your fingers.
Trust me man... I know. I'm literally losing sleep... I'm a wreck.
However, if you heard this thing... I mean, honestly... botched finish job aside, if I was able to get it set up like my other basses (I can't even get it close), it would definitely fall into the "everything I've always wanted" category.
It just sounds KILLER.
Lefty007 wrote:
Now, let's be positive and start planning what you are going to do with those $5000 when you get them back . . .

I'm honestly looking at one bass for less than half of that price to tide me over until Joe Z finishes a bass that he and I have talked about.