
Warmoth parts without the DIY option
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Author:  ADSR [ October 21st, 2008, 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Warmoth parts without the DIY option

Has anyone here ever gone the route of buying parts from a company like Warmoth and then having someone else do all the assembly etc?

I'm still on the trail of the illusive lefty single coil P bass.

I have no DIY skills and no space and tools to do the work regardless. If I bought the all the parts and hardware from Warmoth and got the pickup I wanted, I would still need someone to do a decent job of putting it together for me. Has anyone here ever done that? If so, how much time, expense, etc? Satisfied with the result?


Author:  Basshappi [ October 21st, 2008, 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Warmoth parts without the DIY option



Neck finish, assembly and setup cost me $150, by a very good local luthier (who has since relocated to Austin :cry: ) that is a very good deal so YMMV. Project time was about a month,The laquer on the neck took time to cure correctly which is normanl, I wasn't in a hurry

I am good with tools, an would have liked to do it myself but I just don't have any workspace.

Author:  Rodent [ October 21st, 2008, 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Warmoth parts without the DIY option

I've assembled several customer basses with this approach, and it's always turned out good so long as they knew the limitations associated with pre-made parts vs. totally custom made parts. some modifications/customizations are easy to do (take the 5-string '51P I have images of in BP&B)

you need to do all your homework up front because modifications (like adding an upper arm contour, or changing the pickup configuration) after the order is placed with Warmoth (or who ever) usually cannot be accommodated

all the best,


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