
Carvin Bunny Brunel 5'er fretless with upgrades
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Author:  markcv [ February 16th, 2013, 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  Carvin Bunny Brunel 5'er fretless with upgrades

Hi guys, looking for some feedback on an idea I'm thinking about. I'm thinking of ordering a Bunny Brunel P series (Piezo bridge) fretless 5 string with SP2 Soapbars, flame maple top, 5 piece neck, vintage yellow satin finish. This goes for around $1600. Then I'm thinking of gutting it and putting in a couple of Nordstrand Dual Coil pickups and a Mike Pope Flexcore Preamp, assuming I can get it to work with the Piezo bridge. So this would put the bass into the $2200 range.

Possible Flexcore config would be Volume and passive tone stack, blend, treble, bass, hi mid and low mid stack, plus 2 mid frequency select switches.

Just looking for feedback as to whether anybody thinks this would be worth it.

Here's an example of what it might look like. Picture the exposed pole pieces of the Nordstrand and 3 switches added for mid frequency select and preamp defeat.

Thanks guys.

bb75pf-vintyellowflame-87537.jpg [ 67.74 KiB | Viewed 3010 times ]

Author:  AzWhoFan [ February 16th, 2013, 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin Bunny Brunel 5'er fretless with upgrades

what do mean exactly by a gut job? would that involve routing ot just pats replacement/upgrades?

Author:  markcv [ February 16th, 2013, 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Carvin Bunny Brunel 5'er fretless with upgrades

Gutting electronics essentially. I would want to do the minimum amount of woodwork required to fit the preamp and switches in. I would use the same holes for the pots that are already there. Probably only have to drill holes for the switches between the pots I'm guessing. Nice thing is those Carvins have separate battery boxes. I still have to check the depth of the control cavity with Carvin. The Flexcore requires a 1.25" cavity depth. Carvin will put as many as 7 holes for controls although the one I posted here has two stacked pots which I will also be using.

Looking at it some more I'll have to see how the piezo bridge output is wired into the Carvin preamp.

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