Hey gang, thanks for the replies.
I still can't believe I own that bass now
I'll do my best to play it like it should in the respect of such an historical gem. This bass stayed in its case most of the time in the last 40 years. I played it on several jazz gigs in the early 80's, made offers through the years without success. But when the 64 showed up on ebay about a month ago, I was in a crave to have one. So I made an offer to the owner in a price range that I knew it would be possible to make him think about it seriously
So I'm at least the 3rd owner since the seller told me he bought it used in the early 70's from an add in the newspaper !
The indecent part for me is that he mentioned to me that it was a 64, Probably the first owner or so told him that.
When I arrived home with the bass, I looked in my books, took the neck off when realized that it was in fact a 1962
So I know this bass is all original and it sounds like nothing else I own, clean, and fat with an even sound everywhere on the neck and great projection and response. I'm back into Jaco now
I've been dreaming about this bass for the last 25 years and it finally happened, but I still can't believe it. Everytime I play it since last wednesday ( which is all the time
) I think about you my fellow lefties.I know I am a lucky bas(s)tard now.
I know this is the holy grail for us Fender's lovers.
Here are some more pics but... warning, I don't have Addison skills for that :