Anybody own a Maxtone? This guy's a Shanghai, China builder who sells on ebay, most notable for oddball configurations like 7 string basses, double and triple necks, etc. He will make any model he offers left handed for the same price as righties. I'm interested because I've been assembling a set of one man performances using my combination of Roland GK midi equipped guitars and basses with my Dr. Rhythm drum machine and Digitech looper pedal and would love a Steinberger style double neck guitar/bass like this one: ... 5ae397db54No, I'm not expecting some high quality build, but the price is cheap and if his products are acceptable I'm willing to upgrade pickups, hardware, etc. to get where I need to go: ... 4340.l2563 ... 5ae3c5bc3d ... 5ae3ad2b39