i had waited my first one,about one year,it was a Tobias Classic,it was before Tobias become a division of Gibson
I received it a few hours before a gig of 4 hours,it was the baddest 4 hours of my life because i took only the 5 string bass with me ,i had never played before on a 5 strings with a low B
i was totally lost ,and very disgusted by this instrument!!..
But i kept on working on it and finally get use with it,today when i go back to a 4 strings,i feel like it really miss me something,of course you can use a D tuner on a 4 strings but ,i think you'll never find the same sensation and possibility you have with a low B,it doesn't meen that you 'll do more think with a 5 than with a 4 strings
But,it really depends of the kind of music you play,and what are your need in your band,physically,i think that there are a lot of models offering different kind of neck wide or narrow,and the same for the body
The most important is not to stop at the first feeling you will have with it,just keep it for some month,work on it,and then you will know if it is for you or not