
Bass Tech for Dummies
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Author:  DeadStopCybertron [ October 14th, 2011, 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Bass Tech for Dummies

Granted I'm new to the whole bass thing, a little bit more experienced with drums anyway,
I've seen some terminology tossed around the site (when discussing things like pickups, etc)
and wanted to know where I can find a general listing of things so I have a better understanding.
I feel like I should know what's inside my bass as well as outside.

I don't know what a "gain pot" is or where to find it (sort of. I think it's in the body, connected to that mess of wires I've seen in pictures).
What does it entail? Importance? Do all basses have one?

Help? Lol.

At least, all I ask is to point me in the right direction through the threads.

Thanks again.

Author:  AzWhoFan [ October 14th, 2011, 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Tech for Dummies

Not quite sure what a 'gain pot' is, that's the first time I heard that one. It may refer to a master volume pot, but I'm thinking it's more along the lines of a trim-pot that would be found on the circuit board.

Author:  DeadStopCybertron [ October 15th, 2011, 10:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bass Tech for Dummies

Exactly my point. Had no idea what they were talking about.

It was a discussion on some bass specs, I'd have to dig the thread up since I was knee-deep in tabs so I have no idea where I saw it.
A few posts later said something along the lines of it being a trim-pot.

I can safely guess you're right on that one.

Still, that's just one technical question out of many.
If anything, I was hoping to find an outline of what's inside as if I cut it in half and made a striking discovery like my 8th grade science project on dissecting frogs or had to play a fun game of Operation on it.

(A sidenote: we were supposed to be dissecting male frogs.
Our teacher asked us to find the testes on it and we were stumped at first.
Finally, one of us suggested what we were thinking: it wasn't a male.
Not more than a few minutes into the dissection, we brought it up to the teacher.
He was surprised that my group somehow ended up with a female. :P ).

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