Here's mine. I picked this up back in May on Ebay from Diceman Guitars- ended getting it for $175 total after he listed it with some goofy shipping charge ($50 for the bass plus $125 shipping
- I just don't get why people do that). I must say, he did do an
excellent job with his mods, per his description:
"LET'S START WITH THE ROCK MAPLE NECK. I RIPPED OUT THE CHEAP ASS FRETS AND INSTALLED 20 HEAVY DUTY - EXTRA JUMBO FRETS BY JESCAR. THE FINGER BOARD IS RESURFACED SMOOTH TO A 14'' RADIUS. THE FRETS ARE DIAMOND LEVELED & CROWNED, THEN POLISHED TO PERFECTION. THE ACTION IS VERY LOW AND FAST WITHOUT FRET BUZZ! I MADE A HAND CARVED BONE NUT. I ALSO DRILLED AND INSTALLED HEAVY DUTY BRASS NECK INSERTS FOR A TIGHT POCKET AND SUSTAIN TO DIE FOR. HEAVY STAINLESS STEEL 10/24 NECK BOLTS INSTALLED. THESE UPGRADES MAKE FOR ONE SOLID BASS. I ADDED AN ORANGE DROP CAP AND REWIRED WITH VINTAGE CLOTH WIRE. THE PICKUP SOUNDS MEAN AND THUMPY".He was right- it plays beautifully and sounds great! I added the finishing touches of reshaping and refinishing the headstock, and rounding the heel of the fretboard, to get as close to the Fender shape as possible. As you can see from the pic of actual 1956 Fender headstock, the Douglas headstock isn't quite big enough to cut it to perfectly replicate the round tip end of the Fender, but it comes close.
I've seen the Douglas referred to as a "51 Precision copy" (I think due to the black pickguard), but it is actually a 1954-56 Precision copy (see pic). In 1954, the Precision underwent several significant changes from the original "slab" Precision, most importantly the "contoured body" with the forearm bevel on the front and “belly cut” on the back, and standard two-tone sunburst finish-- and pickguard color changed to white (which makes LHBASSIST's white pickguard idea chronologically correct