
Will Vintage Fender Case Fit a Lefty Fender Bass?
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Author:  reynoldbot [ September 11th, 2010, 11:43 am ]
Post subject:  Will Vintage Fender Case Fit a Lefty Fender Bass?

So I've got a P Bass coming in sooner or later, and I really wanted one of those classy vintage Fender cases for it:

http://accessories.musiciansfriend.com/ ... sku=541532

However, I'm not sure a lefty will actually fit in the case. It's not the body that I'm concerned about, its the headstock. Observe:


That's a snug fit for the headstock. Does anybody own one of these cases, or can attest to whether a lefty would fit in it?

Author:  AustinLeftyBass [ September 13th, 2010, 8:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will Vintage Fender Case Fit a Lefty Fender Bass?

Don't know if this helps but I have an ORIGINAL (righty)Fender bass case from '72, a lefty P-Bass fits fine, a lefty Jazz has to go in face down to fit.

Author:  pjmuck [ September 13th, 2010, 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will Vintage Fender Case Fit a Lefty Fender Bass?

Are you referring to a G&G Fender vintage case? If so, it should fit. My lefty fretless '78 P came with a newer G&G Fender vintage tweed case, and it does fit, though not perfectly. The bass's E string tuner does not quite clear the neck indent(?) of the case, but the case will still close fine. All that needs to be done is to elevate the bass slightly within the case to clear the tuner to get the bass to sit perfectly in the case's neck well, however, i.e. put a towel or something under the heel of the bass. But I've left it as is for now since I'm too lazy to remedy it.

Author:  Addison [ September 13th, 2010, 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will Vintage Fender Case Fit a Lefty Fender Bass?

There definitely are "lefty only" and "righty only" G&G cases, but that one looks like it's one that'll work with both.

I did a quick Photoshop rendering for you... and this doesn't guarantee anything... but, to me, it looks like it should be fine.


Author:  reynoldbot [ September 13th, 2010, 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Will Vintage Fender Case Fit a Lefty Fender Bass?

Thanks for the responses, guys. It sounds like it will work; I just didn't want to plunk down $150 on a case that didn't fit. I figured if worse came to worse I could remove the section that the neck sits on and flip it around (it appears to be longer on one side). Special thanks to Addison for the quick photoshop job!

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