ch willie wrote:
Maharishi Super Heavy Death Metal Dude,
What kind of dirt do you use with yours?
I'm using a Digitech Bad Monkey on my bass board. I also have an Ibanez TS-9, a Rat, and a Fulltone on my guitar board.
I only ever record now, so I can switch pedals around.
My favorite Chris Squire moment in Yes is his work on "Heart of the Sunrise." I love the sound he gets there. No one else sounds like him, but I do admire what the dirt does to his Ric.
That sounds awesome! I would love to hear some of your recordings with it!
I run the bridge pickup into a Line 6 POD X3 using the Marshall Plexi model, and the neck pickup goes into a Bass POD XT using the Ampeg SVT model. I may not be anything like the musician Chris Squire is, but the sound I get out of that setup would definitely make someone look twice!
(The B7Ks shown are for Jazz basses. They aren't part of the Rick signal chain.)
Gilmourisgod wrote:
I never really "got" what a Rick is capable of until I ran it stereo a few times in my college band. We used to call it the "Piano of Doom". You get all the bottom and all the top in total a**kicking mode.